Sebelum anda menginstal SMF pastikan anda telah menginstal server lokal misalnya XAMPP yang sudah saya jelaskan pada artikel sebelumnya.
Dan anda juga harus punya CMS SMF tentunya,bila anda belum memiliki bisa anda dapatkan di situsnya langsung di atau bisa download disini.
Okeh langsung saja berikut langkah – langkah menginstal SMF CMS di XAMPP pada Windows PC/Laptop.
Langkah 1
Buat folder baru di C://xampp/htdocs dengan nama misalnya smf. Lalu Extract CMS SMF di folder tersebut.
Langkah 2
Buat database baru dengan nama smf_cms , Lalu klik Create untuk membuat database.
Langkah 3
Buka browser(firefox/Chrome) ketikan http://localhost/smf. maka akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah. Lalu Klik Continue .
Langkah 4
Isi Username = root, Password = kosongkan saja, database name = smf_cms, lalu klik Continue.
Langkah 7
Isi username = admin, password = terserah anda, email = alamat email anda, lalu Klik Continue.
Langkah 8
Proses instal sudah selesai, jangan lupa ceklis untuk delete file instal.php, lalu klik your newly installed forum untuk meilhat website forum anda.
Berikut adalah tampilan website forum anda yang dibuat dengan SMF CMS.
Langkah 2 itu gimana caranya?
BalasHapusbuat database dimana tempatnya?
Di phpmyadmin pada xampp localhost..
BalasHapusBuka browser, trus ketik localhost/phpmyadmin
Nah dstu buat database nya
kebangetan amat tololnya, mau belajar bikin forum pake smf tapi bikin database di xampp aja gak ngerti. haha click
BalasHapusGk mau instal nih _ database nya padahal sama dengan toturial :9
BalasHapusCritical Error!
The installer was unable to access the "smf" database. With some hosts, you have to create the database in your administration panel before SMF can use it. Some also add prefixes - like your username - to your database names.
Dengan segala fasilitas memang dimana telah di berikan oleh ACY terbaik, dimana adanya pelatihan online nya, tetapi dimana untuk saat ini masihbelum tertarik om untuk gabung bersama ACY ini, karena dimana ada hal yang harus di kembangkan kembali, seperti kecil nya masalah leverage, dengan awal depo yang tinggi, dan kurang nya juga layanan berbahasa, semoga deh dapat di kembangkan ACY inia gar ane dapat lebih tertarik lagi nanti untuk gabung bersama ACY ini
BalasHapusStrange "water hack" burns 2 lbs overnight
BalasHapusMore than 160,000 men and women are using a easy and SECRET "liquids hack" to burn 2 lbs each night as they sleep.
It's simple and works on everybody.
You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:
1) Go grab a glass and fill it up with water half the way
2) Proceed to do this amazing hack
and be 2 lbs lighter the very next day!
This is how my buddy Wesley Virgin's report launches in this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.
BalasHapusAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he revealed hidden, "MIND CONTROL" secrets that the CIA and others used to get anything they want.
These are the exact same methods many celebrities (notably those who "became famous out of nothing") and elite business people used to become wealthy and famous.
You've heard that you utilize only 10% of your brain.
Really, that's because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe this thought has even occurred INSIDE OF YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about seven years ago, while driving an unlicensed, garbage bucket of a car without a driver's license and with $3 on his bank card.
"I'm very fed up with going through life payroll to payroll! When will I get my big break?"
You've taken part in those questions, ain't it right?
Your success story is going to happen. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.
Watch Wesley Virgin's Video Now!